To Get Us
Address: Suite 105, Mahkota Medical Centre 3, Mahkota Melaka, Jalan Merdeka , 75000 Melaka, Malaysia.
Phone: +60 6 282 3833, +60 6 282 3333 (ext: 3052)
Handphone: +6010 928 2883
Facsimile: +60 6 282 3363
Clinic Hours:
Mon, Tue, Thu: 9:00AM – 5:00PM
Sat: 9:00AM – 3:00PM
Wed and Fri: Operation Days
Write To Us
Please give us as much information by e-mai or call us before making an appointment. Infertility patients are sometimes seen on the 2nd day or the 10th day of their menses. Operation cases are usually fixed for just after menses. So please call us to make an appointment.